The Cause Collection

How Now?

Right on the Money!
Initiation by Quotation
Responses to Violence
Meet the Artist
How Green Is Our Time?
The Key
National Interest
Saving Grace
Forgive Them!
How Now?
Global Warming
Master Peace
New Glory
A New Age
Language Art
A Conscious Effort
Wisdom of Harmony
Decent Exposure
Face of Freedom
Yesterday's News
Thinker's Vision

How Now?
How Now?
now benefiting: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

This work's composition is reminiscent of Mark Tansey's The Innocent Eye Test. Elements of the original artwork are transformed to make a social commentary concerning the confused nature of our complex culture. In the background on the left hangs a portrait of a bull buffalo. Its design echoes that of America's buffalo nickel, minted prior to today's Jefferson design. Directly below the buffalo appears a scroll with the motto "GO WEST," heralding manifest destiny as a preeminent domain. This tondo symbolizes the destructive impact of a whirlwind, alluding to the expansive exploitation of natural resources for a myriad of questionable purposes, justified by a limited philosophical approach. How now does this American Way persist in permeating our society today?

Where the buffalo roamed serving a multitude of Native American interests, the cow now serves to provide nourishment, protection, and comfort in the form of meat, pet food, leather, and milk. (Incidentally, humans are the only mammal consuming milk formulated entirely for the development of another mammal’s offspring. Humans are also the only mammals consuming milk well beyond the essential developmental years.) Our society requires the cow to acquire some responsibilities traditionally held by women. If this limited philosophical approach persists, it may continue to encourage the cow to assume more attributes of the modern woman. Eventually, the engineering of consent may force the cow to acquire other accessories as well: eye shadow (emulating human eyelid tonal disparity during orgasm), false eyelashes (simulating doe eyes), tinted contact lenses (because it is possible), mascara (imitating movie actresses), lipstick (mimicking the stimulated labia), hairless axillae and legs (characteristics of youthful adolescence), nail polish (exploiting animals for the cosmetics industry), and a brazier (possibly contributing to breast cancer along with the practice of shaving in conjunction with the application of chemical deoderants/antiperspirants).

Assuming some responsibilities for modern woman and exhibiting popular artificial feminine traits, the cow naturally witnesses consequent modifications to human gender roles. International gender symbols appear with conventional colors reversed. Thanks to the cow, woman is now free to be blue. Little boy pink? If anything goes, everything goes! Emanating from the head of each symbol are seven dark strokes, emphasizing a contrived ‘separate but equal’ unnatural perfection, the agenda for the gender frontier. This Haringesque rendition of a gender bender represents the muddled state of traditional roles and responsibilities in our complex culture. As a work of art within this artwork, it suggests the Arts are somewhat responsible for the promotion of such trends and behaviors.

Currently, this society is co-parented by the Arts (especially the entertainment industry) and the Sciences, represented by the lab-coated figure with a clipboard. Over the rim of his glasses, the Sciences study the viewer’s impression of the cow’s reaction to role modifications the Sciences help support. Can a culture dominated by technology boldly explore social frontiers while remembering that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction?

Enjoy the lyrics of The Cry of the Intellectually Challenging

Good Idea

I got in touch with the real me
Because I needed to.
Had a long talk with the real me
Because I needed to.
Found out what was going on,
Discovered where I was going wrong,
Found out that it's a good idea to
Get in touch with yourself.

It's such a good idea to get in touch with yourself!

When I was out of tune
I got myself alone.
Asked myself some questions...
"Who am I, how am I, what am I becoming?
When will I, how can I, know where I am going?"

It's such a good idea to get in touch with yourself!

So get in touch with the real you
Because you need to.
Have a long talk with the real you
Because you need to.
Get yourself on the line.
It's worth the effort and the time.
Oh, the satisfaction when you finally
Get in touch with yourself.

When you're out of tune
Get yourself alone.
Ask yourself some questions like...
"Who am I, how am I, what am I becoming?
When will I, how can I, know where I am going?"

It's such a good idea to get in touch with yourself!

If you need a music player, click on the RealAudio logo. Click here to hear Rose sing Click on these notes to hear Rose sing this selection!


© 1999-2003 Parkinson Pino, Creativity within Reason, All rights reserved.